Friday, October 28, 2011

Obama for reelection yes or no

   The article "Obama’s bite-size initiatives reminiscent of Clinton reelection" by Anne E. Kornblut explains what Obama and his White House team have been doing in order to be reelected for the next Presidential term.  He has taken on some of former President Bill Clinton's strategies that won him his second Presidential term.  Instead of huge agenda's he is going day by day and speaking about fixing smaller issues like relief for students with loans, mortgage relief, jobs for veterans, etc. He also committed to fulfilling the remainder of the promises made when he became President in the next five years.  Obama has not really spoken about reelection, but with everything he is doing as of right now it seems that is his top priority.

I do not believe Obama should be reelected because the issues that were at large when he came into office are still at large if not larger.  He says what every candidate says, Peace in the Middle East. better health care, more jobs, and a better economy.  These things are all well and good if someone can actually make them happen and happen without putting more strain on the economy and the national debt.  Obama's job plan sounds great because it will employ so many people, but it is a $447 billion dollar plan.  And what will that mean for taxes for everyone or will it mean our social security will be taken away.  I realize that issues do not change over night and many of them will take decades. But we need someone that can at least make a dent in the unemployment, make health care more affordable, lower taxes, and ensure children are the next generation is well educated.  All of Obama's big plans to change these issues are not getting passed because in theory they are good, but realistically would not work in the society we have.  Just like his health care plan that did not pass.  We need a practical and an action now approach so that things start to change. 

Obama's bite-size initiatives reminiscent of Clinton Reelection


  1. After reading this blog, I can certainly understand where the writer is coming from and I'm not commenting to try and change anyone's mind. I do, however, feel it should be pointed that out that all too often Obama comes under fire for his "inability to do anything" without any consideration for the hardship he faces with his legislation.

    Too much of a good thing can easily go bad, so it makes sense that Congress should be well balanced, but as we all know, Republicans have been the dominate party and it appears they'll continue to be so at least through another term. But people tend to forget that anything Obama has tried to do has been shot down. Our problems with the recession and war, healthcare and jobs are problems that have been there all along but are more apparent now that our Nation is in such economic turmoil. I don't care if Superman had been voted in as President, national problems of this magnitude can't just be cleaned up and fixed as easily as a garbage disposal. It took years for us to get here and so it only makes sense it's going to take longer to get out. I know the 4 year terms are set in place with the idea of being able to add or remove someone we don't feel is doing an adequate job, but when none of us have the full story are we really capable of placing blame on just that one person and removing him office before he's even had a fair shot at doing anything.

    I'd like to see things more evenly divided, though just wishing it won't make it happen. At the rate we're going, it appears that unless Obama is re-elected, we'll most likely be looking at a Republican president and I don't feel like that would be the answer to our problems either. The GOP nominees all seem too eager to simply appease the Republican party by telling them what they want to hear and what they think will get them elected. It just doesn't seem all that different from what people say about Obama and his arguments.

    However this next election goes, I do sincerely hope that our nation gets a President who is as passionate as Obama is to change things and hope that he/she is received in a more welcoming manner than our current President.

  2. Understanding Politics

    GMARTIN on their blog “Obama for reelection yes or no” presents an interesting comment on what Obama is fixing to run on and why we should not reelect him to the Presidency. Martin states that the reason why we should not reelect Obama is because he has not made a dent on the major issues that he originally sought out to conquer. The blogger does recognize that things do not change overnight but does not recognize to see the politics at play in Washington. If one looks at history of law making and the history of the administrations that were able to accomplish some of their goals, one can see a correlation of parties in power. When the party in power in the legislature is the same as the one in the executive, those administrations get more done. If those differ, the administrations will not accomplish much because of the politics that are played in Washington. Another thing that Martin mentions that Obama has not done well with the economy and that his job plan costs $447 billion and that is too expensive. Martin is not understanding what that job plan is aimed at doing. There are two major things this plan is aimed at accomplishing; one is better our infrastructure and restart the money flow. First is better our infrastructure, this is the basic needs to support an economy. Better and rejuvenate our roads, highway systems, airports, ports, sewage systems, energy, etc. that will help sustain the economy. Without these an economy will not grow and the key is to make it grow. This leads to the second goal which is to restart the money flow. The number one goal for an economy is to maintain money moving because that means things are being produced, bought and sold. This means that everyone is making money and everyone is growing. Now if the government does not start up the money flow by spending this money no one will. People arguing against this will say privatize infrastructure and things will get done. Now if a company does all of these jobs, they will not do it for free. They are going to make a business out of it and charge people to use these things at a rate that is more expensive than what the government will take as tax.
