Friday, October 28, 2011

Obama for reelection yes or no

   The article "Obama’s bite-size initiatives reminiscent of Clinton reelection" by Anne E. Kornblut explains what Obama and his White House team have been doing in order to be reelected for the next Presidential term.  He has taken on some of former President Bill Clinton's strategies that won him his second Presidential term.  Instead of huge agenda's he is going day by day and speaking about fixing smaller issues like relief for students with loans, mortgage relief, jobs for veterans, etc. He also committed to fulfilling the remainder of the promises made when he became President in the next five years.  Obama has not really spoken about reelection, but with everything he is doing as of right now it seems that is his top priority.

I do not believe Obama should be reelected because the issues that were at large when he came into office are still at large if not larger.  He says what every candidate says, Peace in the Middle East. better health care, more jobs, and a better economy.  These things are all well and good if someone can actually make them happen and happen without putting more strain on the economy and the national debt.  Obama's job plan sounds great because it will employ so many people, but it is a $447 billion dollar plan.  And what will that mean for taxes for everyone or will it mean our social security will be taken away.  I realize that issues do not change over night and many of them will take decades. But we need someone that can at least make a dent in the unemployment, make health care more affordable, lower taxes, and ensure children are the next generation is well educated.  All of Obama's big plans to change these issues are not getting passed because in theory they are good, but realistically would not work in the society we have.  Just like his health care plan that did not pass.  We need a practical and an action now approach so that things start to change. 

Obama's bite-size initiatives reminiscent of Clinton Reelection

Friday, October 14, 2011

Health Law to Be Revised by Ending a Program

Health Law to Be Revised by Ending a Program
This editorial written by Robert Pear that can be found in the New York Times published October 14, 2011 is pointing out the major issues with the long term care insurance program created by the new health care law. Experts such as Kathleen Sebelius, the secretary of health and human services point out that the premiums would be too high which would make young, healthy people less likely to sign up.  This would in turn ruin the 75 year plan and would only make premiums rise more and more over time.  According to the article Senator John Thune of South Dakota and Representative Charles Boustany Jr. of Louisiana believe the Obama administration ignored repeated warnings in terms of the new health care law and all the problems it would face.

 I agree with what the sources in this article are saying, due to their positions in politics they have more access to exact information and decisions that have been made in terms of this law.  It seems that there are great ideas in the new health care law, but the way to keep it affordable long-term still seems to be an issue as it always has.  The question is what is the Obama administration going to do about this issue from here on.  There are still plenty of elderly and dissable people who either cannot afford good health care or have none at all.  The ideas seem great, but until a solution can truly be formed there is no use inexciting the people who are in need of this or the people advocating for it.  And it does not need to be the quick fix, it needs to be the long-term and make the nation better plan.