Response to the blog of America: The Greatest Story Ever Told, the post on "Who receives Welfare?"
I agree that that people may not understand what type of situation or people the welfare program is in place for and that drug testing to obtain one's aid would be very beneficial. Because there are many struggling families who need a little help until they are able to get back on their feet. However on the flip side there are plenty of people who take advantage of the system and cost tax payers more money.
The writer was off base concerning what and how the system was being abused, but the fact is the system is being abused. And there is no actual way for the government to over see how every welfare and food stamp recipient is spending their money. It is very easy for a recipient to go sell the food stamps for half of what they are worth and put cash in the recipients hand. Or someone who has been on welfare for years who hasn't truly been looking for a job shouldn't continue to receive aid. The system is being taken advantage of, but the question is not who receives welfare? The question is how can the American government monitor it more closely to ensure the proper people are receiving the help.